Molto All-in-1 Blue Pouch 250ml
Molto Blue – one of our favourites, if not the favourite of all time.
Molto all in one is a fabric softener and parfume .
Place 1/2 a capful into your washing softener dispenser ,or soak your clothes in water and molto
for a long lasting smell.
Contains fragrance granules that provide long-lasting fragrance, as well as a concentrate that saves Molto usage so that only 1/2 bottle cap is needed to wash 20 pieces of clothing.
The ability to soften it also makes it easier for ironing, making clothes not wrinkled and immediately neat.
With double boost technology, Molto All-in 1 provides a refreshing fragrance throughout the day.
Molto blue is a very popular parfume used in many laundries in Bali
Also available in 800 ml